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Keep Your Home Dry This Spring

After a long winter, it’s no wonder we welcome Spring with arms wide open – However, Spring can also bring unwelcome surprises like basement flooding and roof leaks. The  combination of heavy rainfall and snow and ice melting can cause large runoff amounts  that overflow and flood homes. 

Learn how you can keep your home dry during Spring and avoid the risk of water  damage that could cost you anywhere from $30,000 to $100,000. 

1. Install a sump pump and backwater valve 

A sump pump’s job is to pump water out of your basement and away from the  house to prevent basement or crawlspace flooding. A backwater valve is to  prevent sewage in a congested main sewer line from backing up into your house.  It’s important to ensure these two devices function properly and are not blocked.  Also prepare a battery-operated sump pump in case the power goes out during a  storm. 

2. Check and repair cracks 

Look for cracks in your exterior foundation and your basement walls and floors  and repair them. You might need to engage professional help if the crack is  serious to ensure that your house is effectively waterproofed.

3. Doors and windows 

A bad weatherstripping job or old caulking often causes water leakage. Ensure  the seals around doors, windows, skylights and other openings are watertight.  Clean window wells and consider installing clear acrylic window well covers that  allow light to enter but keep out rain, leaves and pests. 

4. Keep snow away from the foundation 

Clear any snow two to three feet away from the foundation, not forgetting all  ground-level doors, windows, and other openings. This will help prevent melting  snow from flowing into your house. 

5. Slope the ground away from the foundation 

This exercise helps water flow away from the home foundation. Raise the ground  around your house and plant shrubs at least three feet away from the walls.  Landscape your yard with plants that will reduce soil erosion. 

6. Inspect the roof, gutters and downspouts 

Examine your roof for signs of damage due to wear and tear such as upturned  shingle corners, missing or loose shingles. Repair or replace deteriorating  shingles immediately to prevent water leakage through the roof. Clear the gutters  and the eavestroughs of any leaves and debris that might otherwise clog up the  flow of rainwater. Position downspouts away from your home foundation and  your neighbour’s. You want rainwater to drain at least three feet away so  consider using an extension. 

7. Keep the drains draining 

Keep all your drains clear of obstructions. Check that your storm drains close to  your house are clear of leaves and dirt to ensure water can properly drain in  them when it’s raining. A clogged drain will cause a buildup that could potentially  flow back into your property and flood it. 

Does your home insurance cover water damage?

Following these Spring tips may help you avoid any unwelcome surprises that might  spring at you (pun intended). But to help you fully welcome Spring with peace of mind,  it’s best to ensure that your home insurance has adequate coverage for water damage.  It can be costly to repair water damage without proper coverage. Most standard home  insurance covers water damage due to broken pipes and faulty water tanks but not due  to external sources such as rain and bad sewage system. To ensure you have proper  coverage, speak to your Agent or Broker today!